0 "connecting 2 sessions ..." 1 "all 2 sessions connected" 2 "session._socket.info" {"protocol":"wamp.2.json","type":"rawsocket","url":null} 3 "session._socket.info" {"protocol":"wamp.2.json","type":"rawsocket","url":null} 4 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 0" 5 "Got event:" 0 6 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 1" 7 "Got event:" 1 8 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 2" 9 "Got event:" 2 10 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 3" 11 "Got event:" 3 12 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 4" 13 "Got event:" 4 14 "publishing to topic 'com.myapp.topic1': 5" 15 "Got event:" 5 16 "Closing .."